Web Hosting Comparison https://www.newcoupons.info/tag/web-hosting-comparison/ Domain, Hosting and VPS Promo Codes Wed, 08 Jun 2022 15:41:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 9445371 DigitalOcean vs AWS Comparison – Who is the Winner ? https://www.newcoupons.info/digitalocean-vs-aws-comparison-who-is-the-winner/ https://www.newcoupons.info/digitalocean-vs-aws-comparison-who-is-the-winner/#respond Mon, 23 Jul 2018 15:29:48 +0000 https://www.newcoupons.info/?p=20021 DigitalOcean and AWS(Amazon Web Services) are cloud service platforms that offer database storage, computer power among other functionalities. DigitalOcean's goal seems to be to sell very straight-forward servers to developers, whereas AWS seems to want to offer anything anyone could possibly want, covering the entire gamut of cloud computing and cloud storage. I've used both and have found that each have their pros and cons, and in this article I will make comparisons between DigitalOcean and AWS so get you an overview of both these vendors.   Range of Services Digital Ocean focuses sells standard VPS servers with a very

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Free and Paid WordPress Hosting- What’s the Difference? https://www.newcoupons.info/free-paid-wordpress-hosting-what-the-differences/ https://www.newcoupons.info/free-paid-wordpress-hosting-what-the-differences/#respond Fri, 02 Feb 2018 04:19:29 +0000 https://www.newcoupons.info/?p=18187 If you’ve been seeking info on WordPress hosting, you may have encountered or met some companies offering the service for free. Of course most people love free services, but that doesn’t mean that these are the best services. Sometimes paying for a service is worth it than seeking a free service. Of course there is a tremendous difference between a free and paid WordPress hosting package. For you to get the best out of a service, you must determine the difference between different packages. In this article, we will look at the difference between free and paid WordPress hosting package.

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Which one is better: Online Website Builder or Web Hosting? https://www.newcoupons.info/which-one-is-better-online-website-builder-or-web-hosting/ https://www.newcoupons.info/which-one-is-better-online-website-builder-or-web-hosting/#respond Wed, 20 Sep 2017 05:54:33 +0000 https://www.newcoupons.info/?p=16207 Have you ever noticed that there are countless numbers of online website creators/builders? This is because there are software that makes it very easy for you to create a website. You don’t need to have any knowledge in coding. Unlike some years back where you were required to have basics in coding. Nowadays people build websites using a web building software. Of course these software are great; the only shortcoming is that when you use them, you’re be tied to those companies that created them. This is not good because the software may not have all the necessary features required

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Differences of Shared Hosting and Cloud Hosting https://www.newcoupons.info/differences-of-shared-hosting-and-cloud-hosting/ https://www.newcoupons.info/differences-of-shared-hosting-and-cloud-hosting/#respond Wed, 03 Aug 2016 07:01:46 +0000 http://www.newcoupons.info/?p=10259 About Shared Hosting In Shared Hosting, a client rents a certain amount of storage space on a single server. The resources of this server is usually shared between several websites, all which have rented some space on the server. This means that shared hosting is cheap because several websites pay to be hosted on one physical server, and needs very little maintenance since the host takes care of the technical aspects. It is therefore very common with small businesses and bloggers. Shared hosting has its drawbacks though. The most prominent is because the resources of one physical server are shared

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SSD Hosting vs. HDD Hosting: Which One Should You Choose? https://www.newcoupons.info/ssd-hosting-vs-hdd-hosting-which-should-choose/ https://www.newcoupons.info/ssd-hosting-vs-hdd-hosting-which-should-choose/#comments Sun, 24 Jan 2016 15:26:05 +0000 http://www.newcoupons.info/?p=7411 In today's world, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses with an online presence to enhance further their websites. A website is an online business' most powerful tool, and thus, great care must be channeled towards ensuring that its performance is enhanced. Speed and overall performance are some of the most important factors that need to be considered when making your website. In this regard, carefully selecting a hosting provider becomes a vital step. Regular web hosting using HDD drives has been dominant for many years. However, increasing market demand has forced web owners to look for better alternatives to

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Why Linux Servers offer more advantages than Windows ? https://www.newcoupons.info/why-linux-servers-offer-more-advantages-than-windows/ https://www.newcoupons.info/why-linux-servers-offer-more-advantages-than-windows/#respond Thu, 07 Jan 2016 07:30:42 +0000 http://www.newcoupons.info/?p=7107 An operating system is always unique from other operating systems because of its unique features. There is, however, a long list of similarities too. To select a platform for you server, you would look at the unique features of the servers and find that which you need. However, the Linux platform has a number of advantages over windows. Advantages of Linux Servers Even though the differences between Linux and Windows are quite small, Linux offers many more pros when compared to Windows. Here are some: For web developers and programmers, Linux systems are better to work with than Windows. The

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Search for the better hosting: Shared Hosting vs. VPS https://www.newcoupons.info/compare-shared-hosting-vs-vps-hosting/ https://www.newcoupons.info/compare-shared-hosting-vs-vps-hosting/#respond Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:15:20 +0000 http://www.newcoupons.info/?p=6852 Just in case you don't know what hosting is, it is a feature that is needed to enable a website to be available on the internet. The type of website you have will, therefore, determine the best-suited web hosting plan for use. While there are many hosting plans you can choose from, each one has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. This article will go into detail to explain two of the most popular web hosting plans: Shared hosting and VPS hosting. In simple terms, in a shared web hosting plan, a single server is used to host hundreds

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NameCheap VS GoDaddy on Quality of Web Hosting Services https://www.newcoupons.info/compare-godaddy-hosting-vs-namecheap-hosting/ https://www.newcoupons.info/compare-godaddy-hosting-vs-namecheap-hosting/#respond Wed, 11 Nov 2015 17:04:23 +0000 http://www.newcoupons.info/?p=6128 GoDaddy and NameCheap are two of the most trusted and well-known domain name registrars all over the world. Both companies sell web hosting services and there has therefore been quite a debate as to which company is better at what it does. We, therefore, decided to clear the air and end this debate once and for all. For a period of three months, we reviewed the companies' shared hosting packages and in the process, collected a lot of valuable information that sheds light on each company's operation. We, therefore, rated each company on some of the most fundamental factors based

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